Northwest Arkansas Adult Development Day Treatment Center

2616 S. Walton Blvd,
Bentonville, Ar 72712
Hours: M-F (7:30am - 4pm)
Phone (479)254-6717
Fax: (479)254-6761
Pathfinder, Inc. provides pre-vocational and vocational skills training for individuals with disabilities. The goal is to maximize the growth and development of each individual that passes through the program. Pathfinder, Inc. helps adults learn the skills that provide them the opportunity to become self-sufficient members of the community.
Pathfinder, Inc. therefore seeks to provide the best possible education and vocational opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities so that it may fulfill its major responsibility, the fullest development of these human resources.
Services Include
- Community Inclusion
- Daily Living Skills Training
- Socialization
- Work Opportunities/Supported Employment
- Pre-Employment Transition Services
- Transportation to and from day program services and special community events
- Therapy Services- Occupational, Physical, and Speech
Referral sources include:
- Developmental Disabilities Services
- Rehabilitation Services
- Public Schools
- Veterans Administration
- Local Case Managers
Pathfinder, Inc. provides prevocational and vocational skills training for individuals with disabilities. The goal is to maximize the growth and development of each individual that passes through the program. Pathfinder, Inc. helps adults learn the skills that provide them the opportunity to become self sufficient members of the community.
Eligibility Criteria
- 18 - 21 years old - must have high school diploma or completion of school certificate.
- Over 21 years old - Completion of school is not necessary.
- Current documentation of disability Psychological or Physical.
- Must be diagnosed with a developmental disability
For more information about this facility contact:
Director of Northwest Arkansas Services,
Kristen Walker
Phone: 479 254-6717, FAX: 479 254-6761
To view or print the Pathfinder Adult Development Day Treatment Handbook
click here.
To arrange a tour contact Kristen Walker
For directions click here
To refer someone to any of our services, please click here.