Residential Services

Jacksonville, AR 72076
Phone: 982-0528
FAX: 501 985-0197
Supervised Living

Pathfinder Group Homes meet the special needs of residents within the normal framework of a home-like living experience. The program provides twenty-four (24) hour supervision and an intensive training program which utilizes treatment encompassing social, emotional, cognitive and physical living. Individual training is made available in all areas of basic living skills to assist residents toward independent living.
To view more details about each facility, click the name.
Cave Springs Home
Plaza Home
Apartment Living:

Each complex has an office, laundry facilities, and a Community Room. The individual lives in a private apartment with rent assistance. The resident must possess personal skills to enable self-sufficiency. Some daily living and skills training are provided.
The current apartment complexes are Bamburg Complex, Gateway Apartments, Max Howell Complex, Michael T. O'Brien Complex, Pathfinder Meadows, T. P. White Complex, V. Alton Johnson Apartments and Zumwalt Courts.
To view more details about each facility, click the name.
Intermediate Care Facilities:

Intermediate Care Facilities are residential homes that provide health related care and service to individuals with developmental disabilities who do not require the degree of care that hospitals or skilled nursing facilities provide, but require care and services above the level of simple room and board. Pathfinder has 10 ICF/IIDs located within 8 communities in Arkansas.
Fair Housing And Equal Opportunity
For more information about our Intermediate Care Facilities, click here
For more information about our Residential Programs contact:
Supervised or Apartment Living
Contact Managing Director of Residential Services,
Alex Brewer
Phone: 501 982-0528 ext. 1102
Fax: 501 985-0197, ATTN: Alex
Intermediate Care Facilities
Contact Managing Director of ICF/IID Services,
Herbie Robinson
Phone: 501 982-0528 ext. 1149
Fax: 501 985-0197, ATTN: Herbie
To refer someone to any of our services, please click here.