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Training Requirements

New Staff Orientation

New employees are required to participate in orientation based on their position. All required orientation will be completed prior to beginning work at the employee's facility. Orientation training will include a combination of General Orientation, Direct Care Orientation, CPR/First Aid, Vehicle Safety, and Medication Monitoring Orientation, depending on specific position requirements.

Staff Annual Training Requirements

Most Pathfinder staff are required to complete a certain number of hours of training each year, including attending Annual Refresher Training. This refresher training covers Pathfinder and regulatory changes to our procedures and policies. You may contact the training department for your specific yearly training requirements.

Regulatory Training

State regulatory and insuring agencies require certain Pathfinder staff be regularly trained in CPR, First Aid, and Vehicle Safety. Most staff will be required to attend re-training every 2 years. Note: CPR & First Aid training does not count toward annual training hours, but are required by regulatory agencies and Pathfinder, Inc. Vehicle Safety Refresher trainings do count towards staff annual training hours.

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